Commercial Vendor Program

Existing Members


Roave is a full-service web development firm, offering consulting, training, software development, and more.

Zend by Perforce

Zend is "The PHP Company", and offers training, services, and production support for Laminas and other PHP applications.

Zend by Perforce

Apidemia is a web development company, offering software development and consulting. Since 2005, we have focused on the PHP ecosystem, and our tools of trade have been Zend Framework 1, 2, and 3, and then Laminas and Mezzio. We created DotKernel, a collection of PSR-7 Middleware applications built on top of the Mezzio microframework and Laminas components.



When you join the Commercial Vendor Program, you will be recognised as one of the key supporters of Laminas. You will be helping to fund and ensure the success of the project.

About the Program

Your organisation can join the Commercial Vendor Program to help fund the ongoing maintenance and development costs of the Laminas Projects.

How to Apply

  1. First, contact to apply for membership. Your application will be considered and voted on by the TSC.
  2. Second, once the TSC has approved your membership request, you must then make the required donation on the LXF Crowdfunding Portal.
  3. Finally, once you have a receipt for your donation, submit it to and we will complete your enrollment.