April 2020 Technical Steering Committee Meeting
On Monday, 6 April 2020, the Technical Steering Committee for the Laminas Project held its second monthly meeting. An agenda was crowd-sourced amongst the TSC members prior to the meeting, and the meeting was held in the Laminas Slack.
You can find the minutes in the TSC repository.
A brief summary of decisions follows.
The TSC voted to accept four new members to the committee: Abdul Malik Ikhsan (@samsonasik), Luís Cobucci (@lcobucci), Maximilian Bösing (@boesing), and Witold Wasiczko (@snapshotpl). Congratulations, and welcome!
We voted to adopt a new package, laminas/laminas-cli, which provides scaffolding based on a PSR-11 container for exposing symfony/console commands. This approach will simplify and standardize exposing commands in individual components.
We voted to adopt the laminas-tutorials GitHub organization, and use it as a place to both create demo applications as well as tutorials based on them.
We voted to adopt the RFC for providing Opcache Preloading tooling.
We clarified how we will handle security issues for the near future.
We made some decisions to reduce the amount of cross-posting from our forums to our Slack.
For more details, read the full meeting minutes.